
Ένα ιστολόγιο για την πολιτική και την παραπολιτική σε όλα τα επίπεδα.

Parapolitics according to wikipedia is: the politics of vision and virtue. The term was first conceived and richly elaborated by Professor Raghavan Iyer of Oxford University in his seminal work Parapolitics: Toward the City of Man. It goes beyond the confines of past and present modalities of encounter and embraces a richer view of the political than is found in the politics of stability, power and self-preservation.

Parapolitics is best understood as the noetic activity of continually rethinking the foundations as well as the frontiers of political principles, systems and issues.

In this sense, the ‘parapolitical’ transcends conventional politics while still being reflected in it.

The dialectic of parapolitical engagement calls for establishing critical distance, understanding the costs of commitment and recognizing and accepting limits and possibilities in relation to all perspectives, policies and programs.

«Parapolitics signifies the imaginative application of seminal ideas vitalizing political theory and practice; the elaboration of fundamental principles into paradigms of relationships among persons and between civil means and humane ends; the quest for political understanding and action based upon expanding self-awareness; and the ever-receding perspective of ideals rooted in the ethics, metaphysics and psychology of self-transcendence.»
Παραπολιτική κατά την Άννα Διαμαντοπούλου πάλι: είναι η διαδικασία ανάδειξης του παρασκηνίου της πολιτικής σε εξόχως ενδιαφέρον στοιχείο του δημόσιου διαλόγου.
